Terms, conditions and Privacy policy

Welcome to WEPRODE!

Publisher and owner of www.weprode.com (hereinafter the « Website »)

19 Boulevard de la mer Caspienne
Savoie Technolac – BP 219

S.A.S. with a capital of 50 000 euros
Registered at the RCS in Chambery under 908 323 652
Trade name: WEPRODE
E-mail: contact@weprode.com

Chair: Alexandre Desoubeaux

Below is « Weprode »

Host of the Website

2 Kellermann Street
59100 Roubaix

SAS with a capital of 10,069,020 euros
Registered at the RCS in Lille Metropole under no.424 761 419
Phone: 09 72 10 10 07

Website purpose

Weprode offers services for helping organization to be sovereign on their Education Cloud. The Website aims to present information about Weprode, the services offered by Weprode and related subjects. Weprode makes its best effort to ensure the quality of the content of the Website, but does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy and timeliness of the published information. The content of the Website and Weprode‘s marketing communications are provided for information purposes only and do not constitute the basis of a contractual commitment and should not be considered as advice. A contact form is available to request a meeting.

Security – legal disclaimer

As part of the Website’s management, Weprode uses software to control the flow and browsing on the Website in order to ensure its security and the best access to all. The purpose of these measures is to detect unauthorized attempts to connect or change information, or any other initiative that may cause other damage. Unauthorized attempts to upload information, to alter information, to cause damage and, more generally, any attack on the availability and integrity of the Website are strictly forbidden and are punishable by fines and imprisonment, in addition to the possibility for Weprode to raise civil actions and obtain damages to compensate for the prejudice resulting from these offences (Articles 323-1 and 323-3 of the French Penal Code). Weprode shall not be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, arising from access or difficulties in accessing the Site, or from the use that could be made of it, including viruses that could contaminate the configuration of the Website user’s computer equipment.

Intellectual property

The graphic and textual content of the Website is Weprode’s ownership or under a right personally granted to Weprode. Any reproduction of texts, articles, logos, trademarks, photos, videos, drawings, graphic interface and/or any element protected or likely to be protected under an intellectual property right is prohibited and liable to civil and criminal penalties, unless expressly authorized by Weprode. Third party brands and/or logos may be mentioned on the Website for editorial and/or informative purposes.

Links to third-party Websites

The Website is likely to contain links to third-party websites for which Weprode disclaims any responsibility.

Privacy and personal data

Weprode is responsible for processing the personal data of the Website visitors, its customers and prospects under the following detailed conditions.

Personal data processed by Weprode :

  • Identification and professional status (name, first name, function, company)
  •  Contact information (professional email address, professional phone number…)
  •  Website Usage Data (IP addresses, logs, internet browser, click…)

Weprode respects the principle of data minimization, which consists in collecting only personal data strictly necessary for processing. The processing of a customer’s personal data that may be outsourced by Weprode in the context of the services subscribed by its customers is subject to the terms and conditions of the specific contract entered into between Weprode and the customers.

Collection methods:

  •  Browsing the Website for Website Usage Data,
  •  Data communicated via the forms made available on the Website as contact form, meeting request form
  •  The completeness of the mandatory fields marked with an asterisk in the forms of the Website is necessary to the form validation and transmission to Weprode.
  • Data collected in the context of prospecting and in the context of contractual management, outside the Website, especially in the context of physical or remote communication or contact data published on the website of the client/prospect organization and/or professional social networks.

Personal data processing by Weprode :
Weprode processes the data of its prospects, customers and Website visitors (hereafter, the « Targeted People/Person ») in order to satisfy their information and/or demonstration requests, to manage the commercial and prospecting relationship (including through emailing campaigns, satisfaction surveys and customer studies), to ensure the contracts follow-up (such as order processing, accounting and payment management, service access provision, technical and support services, litigation management) if applicable, to send information about Weprode to offer a qualitative customer/prospect/visitor Website experience.
The collection and safeguarding of the actions of visitors to the Website when using the Website and mobile applications are made necessary by law.

Conservation time
Weprode retains personal data to a proportionate extent and as necessary to meet its legal purposes and obligations. At the end of the retention period mentioned below, personal data will be deleted or anonymized for statistical use:

  • Commercial and prospecting data are retained for 3 years from the last interaction with the Targeted People,
  • The personal data necessary to contract management are kept for 10 years (or until the end of the ongoing litigation or pre-litigation if applicable),
  • The personal data of newsletters subscribers are kept for 3 years from their churn,
  • The Website’s login and usage data are kept for 1 year.

Data recipients
Collected personal data are not transmitted to any third parties, excluding when strictly necessary for the Targeted People’s account management, for the subscribed services provision and the optimization of the use of the Website.
Weprode may be required to transfer personal data to its suppliers and subcontractors, that use personal data only on behalf of and according to Weprode’s instructions and in the strict purpose of the performance of the services requested by prospects/clients or Weprode.
Currently, Weprode uses the hosting services by OVH®.

Weprode may also be required to transfer this data to third parties in the context of fraud control if applicable and more generally in the context of any criminally reprehensible activity or at the request of an injunction from the judicial or administrative authorities.

Personal data storage location in European Union and outside the European Union:
Weprode pays attention to the personal data storage location and favours storage in the European Union. However, personal data may be transferred outside the European Union to certain Weprode’s providers. In this case, the transfer is carried out under and in accordance with applicable laws and in a contractual framework including security and confidentiality obligations for providers.

Targeted People Rights:
Targeted People may exercise the rights detailed below by post mail at: Weprode – 19 Boulevard de la mer Caspienne – 73370 LE BOURGET DU LAC – Savoie Technolac – BP 219 – France or by e-mail to: privacy@weprode.com.
Weprode informs Targeted People of their right to seize the Cnil if they have a doubt on their personal data processing compliance with the European Data Protection Regulations, at: CNIL – Complaints Service 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07 Tel: + 33 (0)1 53 73 22 22.

The Targeted People have a right of access and copy provided in Article 16 of Regulation 2016/679, known as the General Data Protection Regulation, is a European Union regulation (‘RGPD’).
If a Targeted Person requests several copies of his personal data being processed from Weprode, Weprode may request the costs of processing this request from this person from the second copy.
The right of access cannot relate to confidential information or data for which the law does not authorize disclosure and cannot be exercised in an abusive manner, i.e. carried out on a regular basis for the sole purpose of destabilizing Weprode.
Targeted People may also exercise the right to correct their personal data. Weprode will update this data on written request.
The right to delete personal data cannot be implemented if the processing is justified by a legal requirement, but the Targeted Person may request the erasure and object to the processing of his personal data if these data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed, if he withdraws the consent on which the treatment is based and there is no other legal basis for treatment, or if he opposes to unjustified treatment on compelling grounds. Targeted People may exercise their right to oppose any commercial prospecting by mail or telephone. Targeted People may object to an e-mail prospecting by clicking on the link in the mailing email provided for this purpose. Personal data may be portable if the Targeted People wish to benefit from other services offered by Weprode.

Personal data confidentiality
Weprode defines and implements the technical physical or logical security measures it deems appropriate to protect the personal data against destruction, loss, tampering or unauthorized disclosure in an accidental or unlawful manner. Weprode can be assisted by any third party of its choice to carry out, at the frequencies it deems necessary, to vulnerability audits or intrusion tests. If Weprode subcontracts all or part of personal data processing, Weprode undertakes to contractually impose security guarantees on its subcontractors through technical and physical measures to protect these data.

Personal data breach
Weprode undertakes to notify the CNIL of any breach of personal data under the conditions prescribed by the GDPR. Targeted People are also informed when this violation is likely to infringe their rights and imply a risk for them.

A cookie is a tracer file that allows information to be exchanged between a terminal’s browser and a remote server. A visit to the Website entails the possibility of a cookie deposit on the visitor’s terminal.
Cookies are not used by the Website.

Changing terms and conditions

These terms, conditions and privacy policy may be changed at any time by Weprode.